Current Loan Rates
Loan TypePeriodic RatesAnnual Percentage Rates
New & Used* Autos Loans & Motorcycles Loans (up to 72 months) *8 years or older models - max term 48 months0.0132% - 0.0467%4.850% - 17.400%
Boats, RV&'s/Campers Loans0.0187% - 0.0552%6.850% - 20.150%
Energy Wise Loans (Heat/Air)0.0123% - 0.0410%4.500% - 15.000%
Other Collateral (4 Wheelers, Lawn Mowers, Motorcycles under 1000cc)0.0187% - 0.0517%6.850% - 18.900%
Signature Loans0.0310% - 0.0493%11.350% - 18.000%
Land LoansContact us for rates
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOCS) LoansCurrent Prime Rate with a current floor of 8.00%
Mortgages LoansContact Member First Mortgage
Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice